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Barebones Bazel: Go Foundations

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Go Bazel Build Bzlmod Packages Testing
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barebones-bazel - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article

Barebones Bazel: Go Foundations

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of building a Go project with Bazel, a powerful open-source build tool. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Go developer, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to leverage Bazel’s capabilities effectively

Why Bazel?

Many new projects avoid Bazel, intimidated by its perceived complexity. However, adopting Bazel early can pave the way for a smoother, more efficient build process as your project expands. This series provides a gentle introduction to Bazel, using a small Go project with Protocol Buffers to illustrate its benefits. These include:

  • Versatility: Bazel effortlessly handles a variety of languages and platforms—Go, JavaScript/TypeScript, Protobuf, and more—streamlining your build process with a single, unified tool.

  • Speed and Efficiency: Bazel optimizes build times by intelligently caching build artifacts and only rebuilding components that have been modified, saving valuable development time.

  • Reproducibility: Bazel ensures consistent build outputs, regardless of the development environment, guaranteeing reliability and eliminating inconsistencies across different machines.

  • Scalability: Bazel is engineered to handle massive projects with millions of lines of code, making it an ideal choice for projects with ambitious growth plans.

  • Extensibility: Bazel’s flexible architecture allows you to extend its capabilities and adapt it to your project’s unique needs by adding support for new languages and platforms.

This series will guide you through the practical application of Bazel, demonstrating how to harness its power to build, test, and manage your Go projects effectively.

Setting Up

Before we begin, ensure you have both Go (version 1.22 or higher) and Bazel (version 7.0 or higher) installed on your system. You can find detailed installation instructions on the official Go and Bazel websites.


  • Go version 1.22 or higher. As of this writing, the latest version is 1.23. Keep in mind that each major Go release is supported until two newer major releases are available. For the most up-to-date information on Go’s release policy, refer to the official documentation.
  • Bazel version 7.0 or higher

Go Basics: A Single-File Binary

Let’s start with the basics:

  1. Create the Go Project Folder: Create a new directory go-basics for the project

  2. Create a Bazel Workspace: Create an empty WORKSPACE.bazel file in go-basics. This file signals to Bazel that the directory is a Bazel workspace.

  3. Manage External Dependencies: Create a MODULE.bazel file to specify your project’s external dependencies.

    Details of MODULE.bazel
    bazel_dep(name = "rules_go", version = "0.50.1")
    go_sdk = use_extension("@rules_go//go:extensions.bzl", "go_sdk") = "1.22.9")

    This snippet, written in Bazel’s Skylark language which uses a Python-like syntax, manages the external dependencies required for our Go project. Let’s break down what each part does:

    • bazel_dep: This is a built-in Bazel function that tells Bazel to fetch an external dependency.

      • name = "rules_go": This specifies the name of the dependency, which in this case is the rules_go repository. This repository provides the necessary rules for Bazel to build Go projects.

      • version = "0.50.1": This specifies the version of rules_go to use.

    • go_sdk = use_extension("@rules_go//go:extensions.bzl", "go_sdk"): This line loads a go_sdk extension from the rules_go repository. Extensions are a way to add new functionality to Bazel. The go_sdk extension provides functions for managing the Go SDK.

    • = "1.22.9"): This line uses the download function from the go_sdk extension to download the Go SDK version 1.22.9. This ensures that Bazel uses a specific Go version for building the project, maintaining consistency and avoiding potential compatibility issues.

    In essence, this Skylark code ensures that Bazel has the necessary tools and dependencies to build our Go project correctly. It fetches the Go rules, loads the Go SDK extension, and downloads the specified Go SDK version. This setup streamlines the build process and ensures that the project builds consistently with the desired Go version.

  4. Create the Go Project Logic: Create a main.go file that will contain our simple Go code.

    Details of main.go
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
        fmt.Println("Hello, Bazel!")
  5. Create the Go Project Build Configuration: Create the BUILD.bazel file that provides the instructions for Bazel to build the Go code into an executable binary. Here’s a breakdown:

    Details of BUILD.bazel
    load("@rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
        name = "main",
        srcs = ["main.go"],

    The BUILD.bazel file written is written in Bazel’s Skylark language, is the control center for building our Go project. Let’s break down what each part does:

    • load("@rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary"): This line imports the go_binary rule from the @rules_go repository. Think of rules as Bazel’s toolbox, providing predefined functions for building specific types of outputs. The go_binary rule, as its name implies, instructs Bazel to create an executable binary from our Go source code.

    • go_binary(...): This is where we define the specifics of the binary we want to build.

      • name = "main": This assigns the name “main” to our binary. This name serves as an identifier within the Bazel environment and will also be the name of the final executable file generated by the build process.

      • srcs = ["main.go"]: This line specifies the source files that Bazel will use to build the binary. In this case, it’s main.go, the heart of our Go project.

    This concise BUILD.bazel file acts as a blueprint for Bazel, clearly outlining how to build the main executable. By specifying the source files and the go_binary rule, we provide Bazel with all the information it needs to correctly compile and link the Go code, resulting in a functional executable binary ready for use.

  6. Project Structure: Your project directory should have the following structure:

    └── go-basics
        ├── BUILD.bazel
        ├── MODULE.bazel
        ├── WORKSPACE.bazel        
        └── main.go
  7. Building with Bazel: In your terminal, navigate to the project folder and build the binary using:

    bazel build //:main

    Bazel will handle the dependencies and compilation, placing the output in the bazel-bin directory.

  8. Running the Binary: To run your binary, execute:

    bazel run //main

    You should see “Hello, Bazel!” printed in your terminal.

  9. Changes made: The changes made for Go Basics change be found in the commit for commit ff1f82

  10. Summary: Let’s recap what we’ve done:

  • We’ve established a Bazel workspace by creating a WORKSPACE.bazel file, signaling to Bazel that this directory houses a Bazel project.
  • We then defined external dependencies, including Go rules and the Go SDK version, within a MODULE.bazel file.
  • Finally, we instructed Bazel to build an executable binary from our main.go source code by creating a BUILD.bazel file and employing the go_binary rule to define a build target named “main”.
  • Bazel simplifies the build process by managing all the underlying details, ensuring your Go code is compiled correctly.

Go Level Up: Modules and Testing

Let’s expand our knowledge to build more complex Go projects that include modules and testing with Bazel.

  1. Create the Go Project: Create a new directory go-level-up for your project.

  2. Create the Bazel Workspace and Manage External Dependencies: Follow steps 2 and 3 in Go Basics: A Single-File Binary to create WORKSPACE and MODULE.bazel.

  3. Create the go-level-up Module: Open your terminal, navigate to your module directory (go-level-up), and create the module using the following command:

    bazel run @rules_go//go:go -- mod init

    NOTE: To avoid potential inconsistencies between your project’s Go version and the one used by Bazel, use the Go SDK that Bazel installs.

  4. Create the Currency Package: Create the directory currency.

  5. Create the Currency Logic: Create the file converter.go inside go-level-up/currency

    Details of converter.go
    package currency
    import (
    type Converter struct {
        conversionRates map[string]map[string]*big.Rat
    func NewConverter(conversionRates map[string]map[string]*big.Rat) (Converter, error) {
        if len(conversionRates) == 0 {
            return Converter{}, fmt.Errorf("rates cannot be nil or empty")
        return Converter{
            conversionRates: conversionRates,
        }, nil
    func (c Converter) Convert(from string, to string, amount *big.Rat) (
    ) {
        toRate, ok := c.conversionRates[from]
        if !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("from: %s currency not found", from)
        rate, ok := toRate[to]
        if !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("to: %s currency not found", to)
        result := new(big.Rat).Mul(amount, rate)
        return result, nil
  6. Create the Currency Tests: Create the file converter_test.go inside go-level-up/currency

    Details of converter_test.go
    package currency
    import (
    func getValidConverter() (Converter, error) {
        rates := map[string]map[string]*big.Rat{
            "USD": {"JPY": big.NewRat(100, 1)},
            "JPY": {"USD": big.NewRat(1, 100)},
        return NewConverter(rates)
    func TestValidNewConverter(t *testing.T) {
        target, err := getValidConverter()
        if err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("expect error: nil, got: %v", err)
        if reflect.DeepEqual(target, Converter{}) {
            t.Fatal("expect converter: non nil, got: nil")
    func TestInvalidNewConverter(t *testing.T) {
        testCases := []struct {
            description string
            rates       map[string]map[string]*big.Rat
                description: "nil rates",
                rates:       nil,
                description: "empty rates",
                rates:       map[string]map[string]*big.Rat{},
        for _, testCase := range testCases {
            t.Run(testCase.description, func(t *testing.T) {
                target, err := NewConverter(testCase.rates)
                if err == nil {
                    t.Fatal("expect error: non nil, got: nil")
                if !reflect.DeepEqual(target, Converter{}) {
                    t.Fatalf("expect converter: nil, got: %v", target)
    func TestValidConvert(t *testing.T) {
        target, _ := getValidConverter()
        testCases := []struct {
            description string
            from        string
            to          string
            amount      *big.Rat
            expect      *big.Rat
                description: "from: USD, to: JPY, amount: 1",
                from:        "USD",
                to:          "JPY",
                amount:      big.NewRat(1, 1),
                expect:      big.NewRat(100, 1),
                description: "from: JPY, to: USD, amount: 100",
                from:        "JPY",
                to:          "USD",
                amount:      big.NewRat(100, 1),
                expect:      big.NewRat(1, 1),
        for _, testCase := range testCases {
           t.Run(testCase.description, func(t *testing.T) {
               got, err := target.Convert(testCase.from,, testCase.amount)
               if err != nil {
                   t.Fatalf("expect error: nil, got: %v", err)
               if !reflect.DeepEqual(testCase.expect, got) {
                   t.Fatalf("expect: %v, got: %v to be equal", testCase.expect, got)
    func TestInvalidConvert(t *testing.T) {
        target, _ := getValidConverter()
        testCases := []struct {
            description string
            from        string
            to          string
            amount      *big.Rat
                description: "from: EUR, to: JPY, amount: 1 to fail",
                from:        "EUR",
                to:          "JPY",
                amount:      big.NewRat(1, 1),
                description: "from: JPY, to: EUR, amount: 100 to fail",
                from:        "JPY",
                to:          "EUR",
                amount:      big.NewRat(100, 1),
        for _, testCase := range testCases {
           t.Run(testCase.description, func(t *testing.T) {
               got, err := target.Convert(testCase.from,, testCase.amount)
               if err == nil {
                   t.Fatal("expect error: non nil, got: nil")
               if got != nil {
                   t.Fatalf("expect: nil, got: %v", got)
  7. Create the Client Package: Create the directory client inside go-level-up.

  8. Create the Main: Create the file main.go inside go-level-up/client with the following content:

    Details of main.go
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        from := flag.String("from", "USD", "From currency")
        to := flag.String("to", "JPY", "To currency")
        amount := flag.Float64("amount", 1, "Amount")
        rates := map[string]map[string]*big.Rat{
            "USD": {"JPY": big.NewRat(100, 1)},
            "JPY": {"USD": big.NewRat(1, 100)},
        converter, err := currency.NewConverter(rates)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %v\n", err)
        ratAmount := new(big.Rat)
        converted, err := converter.Convert(*from, *to, ratAmount)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %v\n", err)
        result, isPrecised := converted.Float64()
        fmt.Printf("Convert amount: %f, from: %s, to: %s returns value: %f and precision: %t\n", *amount, *from, *to, result, isPrecised)
  9. Create the Currency Library BUILD File: Create the file BUILD.bazel inside go-level-up/currency

    Details of BUILD.bazel
    load("@rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
        name = "converter",
        srcs = ["converter.go"],
        importpath = "",
        visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
        name = "converter_test",
        srcs = ["converter_test.go"],
        embed = [":converter"]        

    This BUILD.bazel file, written in Bazel’s Skylark language, orchestrates the building and testing of our Go code within the currency module. Let’s break down its components:

    • load("@rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test"): This line imports the necessary rules from the @rules_go repository for building and testing Go code. It brings in go_library for building Go libraries and go_test for defining Go tests.

    • go_library(...): This block defines a Go library.

      • name = "converter": This assigns the name “converter” to our library. This name acts as an identifier within the Bazel environment, allowing other parts of the project to reference and depend on this library.

      • srcs = ["converter.go"]: This specifies the source files that constitute the library. In this case, it’s converter.go, which contains the core logic for our currency conversion functionality.

      • importpath = "": This attribute explicitly sets the Go import path for the library. This is crucial for ensuring that other Go code can correctly import and use this library. It establishes the library’s identity within the Go ecosystem.

      • visibility = ["//visibility:public"]: This attribute controls the visibility of the library, determining which other parts of the project (or even external projects) can depend on it. Setting it to //visibility:public makes this library accessible from anywhere, enabling broader code reuse and modularity.

    • go_test(...): This block defines a Go test target.

      • name = "converter_test": This gives the name “converter_test” to our test target. This name helps identify the test within the Bazel environment.

      • srcs = ["converter_test.go"]: This specifies the source files containing the test code. Here, it’s converter_test.go, which houses the test functions that will exercise the currency conversion logic.

      • embed = [":converter"]: This line is crucial for linking the test target with the library it’s meant to test. It tells Bazel to embed the converter library (identified by :converter) within the converter_test target, ensuring that the test code can access and utilize the library’s functionality.

    This BUILD.bazel file effectively sets up the building blocks for our Go code. It defines a Go library containing the core logic and a corresponding test target to verify its correctness. This structured approach ensures that Bazel can correctly compile and link the code, facilitating both development and testing processes.

  10. Build the Currency Library: Open your terminal, navigate to your module directory (go-level-up), and run the following command:

    bazel build //go-level-up/currency:converter
  11. Run the Currency Tests: Open your terminal, navigate to your module directory (go-level-up), and run the following command:

    bazel test //go-level-up/currency:converter_test --cache_test_results=no
  12. Create the Currency Client BUILD File: Create the file BUILD.bazel inside go-level-up/client

    Details of BUILD.bazel
    load("@rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
        name = "service",
        srcs = ["main.go"],
        deps = [

    This BUILD.bazel file, crafted in Bazel’s Skylark language, guides Bazel in building the Go code within the client module into an executable binary. Let’s break it down

    • load("@rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary"): This line imports the go_binary rule from the @rules_go repository. Rules are Bazel’s pre-defined building blocks, providing instructions for specific outputs. The go_binary rule instructs Bazel to create an executable binary from Go source code.

    • go_binary(...): This defines the specifics of the binary.

      • name = "service": This assigns the name “service” to the binary, acting as an identifier within Bazel and the name of the final executable file.

      • srcs = ["main.go"]: This specifies the source files used to build the binary. In this case, it’s main.go, containing the entry point and core logic for the client application.

      • deps = ["//go-level-up/currency:converter"]: This crucial line defines the dependencies for the binary. It tells Bazel that the service binary depends on the converter library located in the go-level-up/currency module. This ensures that Bazel links the converter library with the service binary during the build process.

    This BUILD.bazel file acts as a blueprint for Bazel, outlining how to build the service executable. By specifying the source files, dependencies, and the go_binary rule, it provides Bazel with the necessary information to correctly compile and link the Go code, resulting in a functional executable binary.

  13. Build the Currency Client: Open your terminal, navigate to your module directory (go-level-up), and run the following command:

    bazel build //go-level-up/client:service
  14. Run the Currency Client: Open your terminal, navigate to your module directory (go-level-up), and run the following command:

    bazel run //go-level-up/client:service -- -amount 100 -from JPY -to USD
  15. Project structure: Your project directory should have the following structure:

    ├── ...
    ├── MODULE.bazel
    ├── WORKSPACE.bazel
    ├── go.mod
    ├── client
    │   ├── BUILD.bazel
    │   └── main.go
    └── currency
        ├── BUILD.bazel
        ├── converter.go
        └── converter_test.go
  16. Changes made: The changes made for Go Level Up change be found in the commit for commit 586cde

  17. Summary: This section details how Bazel manages a Go project with multiple modules. It covers:

    • Dependency Management: Leveraging MODULE.bazel to declare external dependencies like Go rules and specify the Go SDK version.
    • Build Targets: Utilizing BUILD.bazel files in each module (currency and client) to define build targets and dependencies using rules like go_library and go_test.
    • Building and Testing: Employing Bazel commands (bazel build and bazel test) to build the Go libraries and execute tests.
    • This process highlights Bazel’s role in orchestrating the build and test process for multi-module Go projects, ensuring consistency and reproducibility.


This guide provides a solid foundation for building Go projects with Bazel. We’ve covered the essentials, from setting up a workspace to building and testing Go code. In future articles, we’ll delve into more advanced Bazel techniques. Stay tuned!

Streamlining Bazel Workflows: Useful Commands

Here are some handy commands to boost your efficiency when working with Bazel:

  1. Executing Go Commands within Bazel: To seamlessly run Go-related commands within your Bazel environment, use the following structure

    bazel run @rules_go//go:go -- [Go related comman like mod, get, list]

    This allows you to leverage Go tools like mod, get, and list without leaving the Bazel context.

  2. Unveiling the Bazel Workspace: To get a comprehensive view of all paths within your Bazel workspace, the bazel query command is your ally. For instance, to list all Go packages in your workspace, you would execute:

    bazel query ...

    This powerful command provides a clear picture of your project’s structure and dependencies, aiding in navigation and analysis.

barebones-bazel - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article